Last Updated: 21st Sep 2023

Beginner - Intermediate

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I've done it Done

Orton Odyssey

Christchurch, Canterbury

Submitted by Ciaran Hayes

Last Updated: 21st Sep 2023

Beginner - Intermediate

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I've done it Done

Grunt Factor: 22 ?

Gnarl Factor: 43 ?








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Trail Map

Type of Run

Urban fringe


Undulating, some big hills

Native bush

Open farmlands

Open tussock/grasslands

Run Makeup


Farm Road / 4WD Track

Moderate Single Track

Technical Single Track

Average Uphill Gradient: +10.5%

Average Downhill Gradient: -10.9%


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Estimated Times to Run







This provides a longer alternative to the Orton Bradley Loop run.

Follow sealed road entrance into Orton Bradley Park. Take a left along the Rhododendron path. Follow single track through to the playground. Pass playground and cross over bridge. Run along the road 100m and enter the park; from here keep following the blue marked stakes, through the trees and into an area populated by gum trees.

Keep going along the well-marked track, following the stream on your left hand side. Emerge onto a 4wd track and steadily climb upwards. Crossing a number of stiles en route, and again making sure not to lose track of the blue markers, you eventually come to a stile pointing in the direction of the waterfall - ignore this and keep following the fence, through muddy 4WD track until you get to another stile and a sign for Mt Herbert track.

From here the going gets a bit slow, through winding gorse track and some steep technical trail upwards, as well as having to negotiate a wee stream crossing and an ankle-deep muddy traverse - you have now lost track of the blue markers and need to follow the orange markers instead. Keep climbing until you get to another 4WD track which curves around the valley between Mt Herbert and Mt Bradley.

Follow this track - it can get quite cut up, so be careful not to roll an ankle - and watch for cows! Keep going until you catch sight of the blue markers yet again, hopping a few more stiles over a nice flat/downhill section back to the entrance to the park.

Simply retrace your steps through Rhododendron park and back to the start!

Waterfall as a detour

If you know of any public toilets near the trail start or on the route, please login and then let us know so we can update this section.

Limited space for parking on main road. Parking spaces at a fee in the park

25 km

38 minutes




Try and follow blue markers as much as possible until passing the sign for the waterfall - then keep following the fence until you see the sign for Mt Herbert where the orange markers take over

Generally good.

Short-sleeved thermal top, Windproof jacket, Whistle, First aid kit, Extra food for emergencies, Cellphone, Map

Taps at start

Very muddy after rain - some streams may be full

Cows along the farm track
Exposed heading up the valley so windbreaker might come in handy

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Trail Reviews

This is a trail run through lots of varied terrain, including covered single track, gravel, and plenty of open farm paddocks. There is a very cool downhill section through gum trees near the end. The climb was pretty steep and comes all in one big hit - same with downhill on the other side. If you like undulating, flow-y trails this is probably not the one!

I recommend using the GPX file on your watch- even then I found myself off-track often. There are many turnoffs that are less than obvious and sections that cross paddocks and fences (not to mention straight through gorse bushes!).

Overall it's a great workout, and the view of the harbour from the top of the hill is breathtaking.

Rob Meili

February 25, 2022

Never seen so much gorse in one spot. My favourite part of the run was actually the rhododendron trail! What a gorgeous place to be in spring.

Matt Halverson

October 31, 2021

Look out for the nettles in the bush. Good honest climb, route down could use a few more poles but pretty intuitive in clear wx. Take the GPX. Thanks!

Tony Sharpe

August 16, 2020

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