Last Updated: 19th Apr 2024

Beginner - Intermediate

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I've done it Done

Aorere Goldfields

Collingwood, Tasman

Submitted by Stu Houston

Last Updated: 19th Apr 2024

Beginner - Intermediate

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I've done it Done


Grunt Factor: 13 ?

Gnarl Factor: 23 ?








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Trail Map

Type of Run

Front country - easily accessible


Undulating, small hills only

Native bush


Open ridges/tops

Run Makeup


Farm Road / 4WD Track

Easy Single Track

Moderate Single Track

Average Uphill Gradient: +6.2%

Average Downhill Gradient: -7.3%


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Estimated Times to Run







If you don't have a high clearance vehicle you can park at the farm gate and walk 1 km to carpark.

From carpark the track climbs up an old 4x4 road, then becomes a gravelled track through manuka/kanuka bush past old gold workings with occasional views of the Aorere Valley. After several kilometres you come to a track junction beside a stream. Don't cross the stream but carry on round the track where soon you come to a turn off to Stafford Cave, which is only 2 minutes down a side track and worth a look.

Carrying on the track you come to the turn off to the Ballroom Cave which is a 6 minute detour but worth a look as it was actually used as a Ballroom during gold miner times and is cool to venture into. The track carries on around, following an old hand dug drain till you climb up to the dam and the lake which was built to help with mining operations in the early 1900's. The lake is quite neat set in amongst open regenerating forest with a mountain back drop.

Carrying on the track follows the lake for a while before dropping into and out of creek beds and you reach a junction point which gives you two choices of return to the carpark - by a bush track or to carry on down an old 4x4 track. Either is good and equal distance.

Old historic gold mine workings and 2 large open caves and a lake.

If you know of any public toilets near the trail start or on the route, please login and then let us know so we can update this section.

To get to the Carpark for start of track you need a high clearance vehicle for last 1 km across farmland.

11 km

13 minutes




Generally good.

Short-sleeved thermal top, Windproof jacket, Personal Locator Beacon (PLB), First aid kit, Extra food for emergencies, Cellphone, Map, Headtorch and spare batteries

There are good clean streams at regular intervals along this track.

Streams can dry up after long dry spells (Summer 2018/19 had no rain for 14 weeks)
Farmer may close access through land at any time. Please respect his land and stock.

Stay on trail as there are mine shafts off trail.

Mussel Inn
local institution.Great Beer !

Trail Legend


Alice Sagar

has completed Aorere Goldfields once in the last year.

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Trail Reviews

Fun times, very overgrown Jan,2022
Very pretty trail

Stef Fagan

January 22, 2022

lovely little loop run for a sunny winter day but don't forget to bring a headlamp!

Mike McManaway

July 13, 2021

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